Niall McMahon

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HK Has Role in Wind Power Development


Letter published in The South China Morning Post.

Link out to the South China Morning Post.

I was recently in Hong Kong at the invitation of the Productivity Council to speak about the small and medium-sized wind turbine industry.

It was very interesting for me, not least because it was my first visit to your remarkable city. During my talk, I was asked about the opportunities for Chinese companies in this sector and to discuss some of the challenges they face. These are many, and not just for Chinese companies.

The market is relatively small, but it is growing. The small and medium wind industry works, when done properly. It will be an important component of a distributed energy future. Nevertheless, much technical work remains to be done to drive down costs while ensuring safe and effective performance.

It seems to me that Hong Kong can play an important part, for many reasons. It has the financial capability, know-how and access to manufacturing of all kinds. I am certain that what happens in Hong Kong can greatly influence what happens elsewhere.

Hong Kong can make a difference to small-scale distributed wind generation and, consequently, to one part of a better energy future for all of us.

This page was last rendered on June 29, 2023.